Mole Ratios That Are Fractions

How do you know what number to multiply your ratios by to get whole number ratios.

You want: C3H8
But the your empirical formula is CH2.65
Here is a handy table for converting decimal radicals to whole numbers

radical (number after the decimal common fractions factor to multiply by to get whole number ratio
0.1 1/10 10
0.125 1/8 8
0.143 1/7 7
0.16667 1/6 6
0.2 1/5 5
0.25 1/4 4
0.286 2/7 7
0.333 1/3 3
0.4 2/5 5
0.428 3/7 7
0.5 1/2 2
0.571 5/7 7
0.6 3/5 5
0.625 5/8 8
0.66 2/3 3
0.75 3/4 4
0.8 4/5 5
0.833 5/6 6
0.857 6/7 7
0.9 9/10 10

For 2.65, multiply by 3 = 7.95 = 8

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